There are plenty of great cards out there, but those cards are somehow made even better when you are able to get them for an amazing price. For just $10 + shipping, I was able to get my hands on this amazing piece of hardware:
From 2013-14 Totally Certified, this is a Certified Competitors card featuring Evgeni Malkin and Marian Gaborik, numbered 34/50. This is the Blue Prime parallel of the card, and instead of solid jersey swatches, there is a patch piece for Malkin and a prime jersey piece for Gaborik. Usually they try and get two players with some similarities to pair up, and in this case, I'm pretty sure it is because they are both foreign centers, with Malkin from Russia and Gaborik from Slovakia. Either way, it's a fantastic card and I am thrilled to be adding it to my collection.
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